
04/17/2024 Annual Meeting

The Causey Estates Lot Owners Association annual meeting has been scheduled for April 17, 2024 beginning at 6:00pm at the Southwest branch of the Weber County Library, located at 2039 W 4000 S, Roy, Utah. Three board positions will be up for election in 2024. The terms for board members Boyd Clayton, Brian Hennefer, and Garrett Lowe expire in 2024. Boyd Clayton is not running for re-election. Select meeting agenda to view the actual planned meeting.

If you would like to run for a board position we would be happy to help get the message out to membership. Please contact Boyd Clayton with the thoughts you would like to convey and we will send out an email to lot owners.

Lot Owners will also vote to approve a budget for year 2024. Please select the Proposed 2024 Causey Budget link for a line by line description of the proposed budget.

Each lot owner may vote in person or by proxy at the annual meeting. All proxies must be in writing, signed by the owner, and filed with the Causey board of directors before the meeting commences.